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The Martin Trust for Young People - The Inspiration

As Lord-Lieutenant for Leicestershire* from 1965 to 1989, Sir Andrew Martin KCVO demonstrated a strong commitment to the young people of the City and County, and to voluntary youth organisations. He was President of the Leicestershire Council for Voluntary Youth Services (LCVYS), a Vice-President of Leicestershire Girl Guides and Boys' Brigade, and Deputy President of Leicestershire Scout Council.

Speaking on his retirement as the Queen's representative in the County, he said, "Now I am holding on to everything to do with young people. While I have a bit of clout, they are the people who need my help most. Except for the hooligan element, they get no publicity. I have met a lot of wonderful young people and it is an enormous comfort to know they are there".

In 1995, inspired by Ken Webb, then Development Officer for LCVYS, friends and colleagues of Sir Andrew, with the involved support of Lady Martin, created the Trust in his memory..

* Leicestershire included Rutland at the inception of the Trust and this remains within the area of benefit for grant making.

Asian Teens


SIR ANDREW MARTIN KCVO OBE LLD JP (23 April 1914 - 13 December 1993) was Leicestershire’s highly regarded Lord-Lieutenant from 1965 to 1989, also serving Rutland from 1974.

Educated at Eton and Sandhurst, and commissioned into the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry in 1934, he was Aide-de-camp to the Governor General of South Africa 1938-1940, served in the Second World War with the 4th Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry1940-1942, the Royal Warwickshire Regiment 1942-1944 and in North-West Europe with the 5th Duke of Cornwall Light Infantry 1944-1945. He was mentioned in despatches. Military Secretary to the Governor General of Australia, Field Marshal Lord Slim,from 1955 to 1957 he subsequently served in Cyprus from 1957-1959 commanding the 1st Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, 43rd and 52nd and the 1st Green Jackets (43rd and 52nd), which the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire became on re-naming on 7 November 1958,. He was Brigade Colonel of the Green Jackets Brigade at Winchester from 1959-1962 before commanding Recruiting and Liaison Staff, HQ Western Command from 1962-1965 when he retired from the Army.

No sooner had he returned home to manage the family estate at Woodhouse Eaves, in Leicestershire’s Charnwood Forest,  than he was appointed Lord-Lieutenant of Leicestershire in 1965. He served the role with distinction for 24 years.

Speaking at Sir Andrew’s Memorial Service in Leicester Cathedral on St George’s Day 1994, former Dean of Windsor, the Right Reverend Michael Mann, a family friend, said,

“His utter dedication to his duty [as Lord-Lieutenant]  took him to every nook and cranny of the County, and to every possible occasion, so that he denied himself time for those country pursuits in which he would dearly have liked to have indulged. 

He always had an especial place in his heart and concern for the welfare of the young.

No one who knew this charming, humble, devoted and lovely man could fail to have drawn encouragement and pleasure from their acquaintance.  But he had another almost rare quality, for in being with him your spirits were lifted, and you just felt better for having met him.”

Sir Andrew was a tower of active strength to voluntary youth organisations in Leicestershire and Rutland, serving for many years as President of the Leicestershire Council for Voluntary Youth Services, Deputy President of Leicestershire Scout Council (in which role he received Scouting’s Silver Acorn award for distinguished services), Vice President of Leicestershire Girl Guides’ Association (now GirlGuiding Leicestershire), and Vice-President of both the Leicestershire Battalion of the Boys’ Brigade and Youth Clubs Leicestershire.  He constantly supported the Army and Air Force Cadets, and St John Ambulance youth units, as well as voluntary youth clubs.

When the County Council was moved to make cuts in voluntary youth sector budgets he would personally lobby Councillors to re-consider.  He believed spending money on facilities and activities for young people was important in the prevention of anti-social behaviour.  He knew instinctively that time and money spent on young people is time and money well spent in the training of young men and women to become active, purposeful citizens in their mature years.

LADY MARTIN, JP (1925   - 2008) was as tireless as Sir Andrew in support of his commitments as  Lord-Lieutenant. On countless visits to young people’s events she was at his side, interested in what they were doing, questioning them and their leaders to gain an insight and understanding of roles, activities and needs. Her continuing role, after Sir Andrew died, in support of young people was the subject of a letter printed in the Leicester Mercury and Loughborough Echo:

“Lady Martin will rightly be remembered at her Thanksgiving Service this week for her long-standing and committed association with a host of Leicestershire charities. In the world of young people, she was never more supportive than in her patronage of The Martin Trust. The Trust was created in 1994 in memory of Sir Andrew, her husband and former Lord-Lieutenant, who had demonstrated a strong commitment to the young people of the County and the voluntary organisations that work with them. He instinctively knew that time spent with young people was time well spent. Fortunate we are that Lady Martin shared that view and assisted actively with the trustees of the Martin Trust in raising significant funds which will continue to aid young  people and their voluntary organisations.  Grants are made in the fields of education, travel, sport, music and drama, young carers, drugs awareness, disability, building repairs and improvements, equipment and furnishings, and to meet other needs.

So we take this opportunity to commend and be very grateful for Lady Martin’s life of  public service to this County. She was a lady full of life, belied her years and was passionate, and encouraged us to be passionate, for the benefit of others.  May her example as a volunteer live on through all of us, and our organisations, who have   benefitted by her time and generosity.”
David Knowles DL

Lady Martin acquiesced in the formation of The Martin Trust for Young People which a group of Sir Andrew’s friends and colleagues decided they would like to create to commemorate him, but to be a supportive and lasting benefit to young people and their voluntary youth organisations.  Nearly all the Appeal Committee meetings from 1994 – 2000 she hosted in her home – with winter meetings “warmed” by her home-made punch!  A generous donor to the Trust, she also successfully encouraged family members and friends to swell the capital fund.  Delighted to be invited to be the Trust’s first Patron in 2000, she served in the role to the end of her life as one of the Trust’s most vocal supporters.

Eating Out


Robert Martin was born into a military family with long roots in Leicestershire. His father’s postings meant living in Germany, Australia and Cyprus before moving back to UK for the first time in 1959. Educated at Maidwell Hall, near Market Harborough, and Eton, at 16 he was awarded an Army Scholarship. He was commissioned from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst into the Royal Green Jackets (RGJ) in 1972. After a long and distinguished military career including several diplomatic postings and active duty in many theatres, Colonel Martin retired from the Army in August 2008 and returned home to Leicestershire. Colonel Martin comes from a family with a long record of service to the county, which he is delighted to continue as Patron of the Martin Trust, a rôle in which from 2009 he succeeded his late mother. His great uncle was Chairman of the County Council for 36 years, and his father was Lord-Lieutenant for 24 years.

Robert is married to Janie, and they have three children. Janie too has thrown herself into Leicestershire life becoming President of the Royal British Legion’s Womens’ Section, the Leicester Ladies Lifeboat Guild and the Friends of Charnwood Forest. She is also a Parish Councillor for Woodhouse Eaves and County Coordinator for Help for Heroes.

Robert is an enthusiastic sportsman. Although now playing only tennis and golf, in the past he played Cricket and Rugby for the Army and Combined Services in Hong Kong, was a playing member of the MCC, and the Gentlemen of Leicestershire Cricket Clubs. He is a keen supporter and member of Leicestershire County Cricket Club and Leicester Tigers Rugby Club. He is also a member of the Quorn Branch of the Royal British Legion and actively supports a number of charities and organisations, particularly those associated with the Armed Forces, and those encouraging active youth participation in community service and enjoyment of the countryside, such as the Scouts, Guides, Sea Rangers and Cadet Forces. He is County President for St John Ambulance and a Trustee of Bradgate Park. He is President of Leicestershire Scout Council and was commissioned as one of Leicestershire's Deputy Lieutenants in September, 2010.

As Patron of the Trust since 2009, and as High Sheriff of Leicestershire, he and his wife generously hosted at his home a Reception for supporters of the Trust in September 2010 which raised £6,400.  He intends to be active in future fund-raising and his regular attendance at the trustees’ meetings, acting in an advisory capacity, is greatly welcomed and appreciated.


David Knowles DL (Chair)

John Aldridge OBE DL 

  David Andrews DL 

  Alison Jolley 

  Alec Jeffery (Honorary Treasurer) 

  Susan McEniff 

Samuel Plummer

  David Smith (Vice-Chair)


Liverpool Charity & Voluntary Services

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