Please download the relevant application form below. Once you've printed and completed the form please send it by post to:
Martin Trust Administration
c/o Charnwood Bakery
200 Madeline Road
Tel: 07999 977930
Individual young people may apply to the Trust for modest grants - usually up to £300 - but in exceptional circumstances, Trustees may award up to £500.
Successful applicants will:
normally be aged between 12 and 21 years (25 years in cases of young people with special needs);
live in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland;
show evidence of an outstanding skill or talent, or provide details of an exceptional opportunity, especially where this involves elements of service to the community (the Trustees recommend that an applicant for a grant relating to music, dance, drama, or sport submits with the application a recent letter or report from their teacher, tutor or trainer.)
show how a modest grant will make a real difference in developing their skill or talent, or in enabling them to take up the opportunity;
demonstrate how financial hardship or other circumstances would bar their progress unless a grant were made.
The Trust will not make grants where funding is available from local authorities or other statutory sources. The Trust will not make grants to students in higher education where loans or other funding is available.
The trustees meet four times a year.
The deadlines for receipt of applications by the Trust Administrator are:
the middle of the months of March, May, August and December.
Applicants may expect decisions by the end of the months of April, June, September and January.
The Trust may make grants to voluntary youth organisations with which Sir Andrew was so closely involved. Organisations may normally apply for grants of up to £2,000 maximum, but may exceed this where exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated.
Successful applicants will:
be from voluntary or charitable organisations working with young people aged 12 to 21 years;
be from organisations operating in Leicester, Leicestershire, and/or Rutland;
demonstrate how a grant will make a significant contribution to specific work that will benefit young people;
provide details of how the grant will be spent;
enclose a copy of the organisation's most recent approved annual report and accounts
Trustees will not normally make grants toward staff salaries. Grants will not normally be made to schools and local authority controlled provision.
The trustees meet four times a year.
The deadlines for receipt of applications by the Trust Administrator are:
the middle of the months of March, May, August and December.
Applicants may expect decisions by the end of the months of April, June, September and January.
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